Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific points on the body to promote natural healing, improve mood and energy, reduce or relieve pain, and improve the function of affected areas of the body.
Acupuncture is used to encourage natural healing, improve mood and energy, reduce or relieve pain and improve function of affected areas of the body. It is safe and effective and relief is often obtained with acupuncture when traditional medical therapy has failed.
Acupuncture points (called ‘acupoints’) are points on the skin with lower resistance to the passage of electricity than the surrounding skin and are part of a network of points that were mapped centuries ago by the Chinese. Most are found along ‘meridians’ or ‘channels’ that are believed to be the pathways by which energy or Qi (pronounced ‘Chee’) flows through the body.
Welcome to our Acupuncture Services page, where we introduce Brian Empey, our experienced Acupuncturist, who has been practicing acupuncture in Oakville since 2000. Brian has been named Top Acupuncturist 5 times with the Oakville Beaver Annual Awards, a testament to his skills and expertise in this ancient form of Chinese medicine.
If requested, Brian can also do GUNN acupuncture, which is a modern adaptation of traditional acupuncture designed to treat chronic pain conditions.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific points on the body to promote natural healing, improve mood and energy, reduce or relieve pain, and improve the function of affected areas of the body. The needles alone create the beneficial effects of acupuncture, making it a safe and effective alternative to traditional medical therapy.
Acupuncture points, or ‘acupoints,’ are part of a network of points that were mapped centuries ago by the Chinese along ‘meridians’ or ‘channels,’ which are believed to be the pathways by which energy or Qi (pronounced ‘Chee’) flows through the body.
Trust Brian to provide you with the best care possible for your acupuncture needs. Book an appointment with us today and experience the many benefits of acupuncture.
Welcome to our Acupuncture Services page, where we introduce Brian Empey, our experienced Acupuncturist, who has been practicing acupuncture in Oakville since 2000. Brian has been named Top Acupuncturist 5 times with the Oakville Beaver Annual Awards, a testament to his skills and expertise in this ancient form of Chinese medicine.
If requested, Brian can also do GUNN acupuncture, which is a modern adaptation of traditional acupuncture designed to treat chronic pain conditions.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific points on the body to promote natural healing, improve mood and energy, reduce or relieve pain, and improve the function of affected areas of the body. The needles alone create the beneficial effects of acupuncture, making it a safe and effective alternative to traditional medical therapy.
Acupuncture points, or ‘acupoints,’ are part of a network of points that were mapped centuries ago by the Chinese along ‘meridians’ or ‘channels,’ which are believed to be the pathways by which energy or Qi (pronounced ‘Chee’) flows through the body.
Trust Brian at Be in Motion Physiotherapy to provide you with the best care possible for your acupuncture needs. Book an appointment with us today and experience the many benefits of acupuncture.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into specific points on the body to promote natural healing, improve mood and energy, reduce or relieve pain, and improve the function of affected areas of the body. The needles alone create the beneficial effects of acupuncture, making it a safe and effective alternative to traditional medical therapy.
Acupuncture points, or ‘acupoints,’ are part of a network of points that were mapped centuries ago by the Chinese along ‘meridians’ or ‘channels,’ which are believed to be the pathways by which energy or Qi (pronounced ‘Chee’) flows through the body.
Trust Brian at Be in Motion Physiotherapy to provide you with the best care possible for your acupuncture needs. Book an appointment with us today and experience the many benefits of acupuncture.